REVIEW: As They Sleep

I read on their myspace that As They Sleep is gonna be the next big thing in metal. Hmmm... A bold claim, but can they live up to the hype?

Ultimately, the answer is no, they won't.

ATS plays fast, modern, melodic metal. Parts In Flames, parts AILD, and a bit of your new-school melodic metalcore, say, This or the Apocalypse. Their debut, "Dynasty" is a fun romp through subject matter that essentially boils down to world history class. Songs touch on Egypt, Mesoamerica, Atilla's empire, and the Dark Ages while showering the listener with plenty of melodic riffs and speedy thrash-esque chugs.

The eleven tracks on Dynasty are well-executed and sleek pieces that tempt the ear, but fail to fully engage. The vocals are passionate, call-to-arms style screams and roars that are fairly intelligible, to boot. They always avoid the common pitfall of wandering into boring, hardcore-style shouts for more than the odd phrase or line. The drums are accessible and reliable throughout. There are no inappropriate, gratuitous blast beats, nor excessive fills. My one gripe would be the lack of standout cymbal work-- it often gets lost in the mix, and a steady china or ride gallop could certainly add to the headbang-ability.

The guitars are crunchy and jittery-- quick, colorful riffs that display plenty of prowess, and the occasional lock-step groove can be found in the mix. Unfortunately, the majority of the fretwork consists of B-grade Gothenburg standard fare. Again, performed competently and the guitars ring in a unique tone to be sure, but the real substance just isn't there in most songs. Standouts like "Bedlam of the Nile" and "Oracle of the Dead" are jaunty and catchy. "The Darkest Ages" features an intriguing whammy solo that's all too short, but this is ultimately the only truly memorable solo. Overall the guitars feature spots of bright promise, but their best moments are overshadowed by waves of barely-above-average riffery.

Two bad puns to close.
As They Sleep certainly don't let the listener doze off during their debut, when stripped to its best few cuts: it's fast, fun, energetic and refreshing. Will it establish them as a modern metal Dynasty? Most likely not.

-L. U'cut

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