NEW SHIT: Septicflesh Single from 2011 Release

Holy smoke these Greek bastards have done it again. (Check the sick new single cover art by bassist/mastermind/H.P. Lovecraft-protogé Seth Siro Anton!!)

Septicflesh's new single, "The Vampire from Nazareth," can be streamed here on their myspace page:


Anyways, this group is known for their orchestral/symphonic slightly-blackened death sound. Their most recent full-length, Communion, brought all those elements together for a rich, resounding triumph of artistic metal. It was ominous and heavy, but not in a doom metal way, it was more akin to the soundtrack to a epic battle in a grim horror movie. Their focus on mythology and the occult serve to bolster their overall package into a very thorough listening experience.

This new track is quite promising. It ups the level of horror through the roof. The riffs are ultimately unspectacular, but it is the complete product that makes the song such a success. Resounding horn, string and choir tones paint a deep soundscape for your listening pleasure: one that is bleak, terrifying, and one that will crush your skull.

Check it out now.


REVIEW: Daath's Daath

Hmmm... first and foremost, it didn't live up to its potential.

Now the redeeming factors here are: 1. its potential was nigh-limitless, and 2. nothing could surpass or even meet the bar set by the previous works of Daath, specifically guitarists Emil Werstler and Eyal Levi.

Unfortunately, this album amounts to a bland melange of all things Daath up to this point.

And again, I'm only reviewing this in a seemingly negative light because I love Daath and thus view them with a more critical lens than other bands I am not so passionate about. I HATE BECAUSE I CARE.

Hinderers: industrial influenced thrash/death
Concealers: non-southern, pure groovy thrash/death metal
Levi/Werstler, "Avalanche of Worms:" proggy nerdgasm with tons of shred and progressive elements

And now we have
Daath: proggy wankery that tries (weakly) to be technical and simultaneously groove-driven, spread out across too many tracks.

I remember first hearing a taste of this album via "Destruction/Restoration." Fun, shreddy solo, but not much else. Just fast. The thing I liked about Hinderers/Concealers was the band's ability to balance tempos and tension in a thrilling manner. For the majority of this album, songs follow a pattern: slow, melodic intro followed by 'fast,' with an abrupt ending. (Self-Destruction/Restoration, The Decider, Exit Plan, Manufactured Insomnia, etc.) I'm not sure what to call the body of these songs other than 'fast,' because they don't accomplish that much (of course I mean, RELATIVE TO WHAT THEY COULD ACCOMPLISH--> i.e. INFINITY!).

I really like Sean Z as vocalist, and Kevin Talley is really coming into his own (with strong support from Jeremy Creamer), and the skinsman reminds me a bit of Chris Adler. But the Levi/Werstler song-writing guitar duo unfortunately bog this album down with, ironically, too much speed. Favorite older songs: "From the Blind," and "Self-Corruption Manifesto." If you know these songs, you witnessed the intense groove meted out at an enticing pace. Specifically, they keep you head-banging along, eager for the next part. This new s/t album mostly just throws everything in your face at once. Songs like "Accelerant" and "NATGOD" do a good job of this-- and the latter injects a memorable solo into the mix, that avoids the premature blowing of the shred load in other songs.

Also this album is mixed oddly-- the sound levels make it a bit difficult to appreciate all of the intricacies. This does not help their cause. There is certainly much to be gleaned upon subsequent listens, but this hampers the listener's full connection with the album.

So to wrap up, I am totally biased and can never give Daath the benefit of the doubt: their potential is limitless and one cannot realistically expect them to fully meet it. This album is strong. Quite strong. It has shred, it's a riff-o-rama, and has plenty of diverse sounds (the combined guitar-playing knowledge in this band is encyclopedic).

No it does not live up to its potential. Yes it is still quite enjoyable. Fave songs: "Indestructible Overdose," "Double Tap Suicide," "Accelerant," and "N.A.T.G.O.D." (annoying acronyms ftl...) Phew. Ok. That's that. Enjoy.

TL;DR? ADD? Watch this:



NEW STUFF: I'm thankful for Tuesdays






Beneath the Surface serves to put the spotlight specifically on underground, unsigned, emergering and generally unheard of bands. Check out their myspace, go see 'em at a show, and buy some merch!

from myspace.com/abriosis

Abriosis. Not a real word. Sounds intense though. Read on.

You know the genre tags on a band's MySpace? i.e. metal/hardcore/death metal... well these guys describe themselves as "Dissonant/Disgusting/Death Metal." If that appeals to you, you will like them-- read no further, just go listen to them. If that is not appealing to you, WAIT! Don't sign them off just yet! (Unr.-- they're unsigned!! :P)

Abriosis are pure brutal tech-death. That is what should be in the MySpace genre description. They are also pure awesomeness. And I don't use that term lightly.

Ok so enough about their name and their MySpace... in terms of sound, think Necrophagist and Origin as primary inspiration. Supplemented by Deeds of Flesh and maybe some Spawn of Possession.

The riffs display boatloads of chops, combining machine-gun speed and precision with robotically-articulated sweeps and arps. Hence the Origin and Necrophagist inspiration. This is an excellent foundation for their songs, which across their 5-song EP, combine the cold, crushing, calculated mechanality of, say, Beneath the Massacre/Brain Drill (loosely) skillfully woven with myriad classical textures in the same vein as Suicmez's solos and leads. The guitars alternate between rapid-fire weedily passages and concrete-smashing staccato. The vocals are standard tech-death fare, done exceptionally well, and they complement the overall sound quite well. The instrumentation and vocals take turns playing lead and support: select segments feature percussive riffs to bolster low grunts and growls, while others allow extended screams/roars to spotlight a colorful lick's soaring flare. Certain scream/riff combos are quite reminiscent of Diskreet, if you happen to be familiar with them. Unfortunately, the drums and bass are a bit under-utilized. The drumming provides excellent foundational support for the hard-hitting slams, but does little to differentiate itself. And of course the bass is barely audible. Frown.

Overall these Canadians know how to rip it up. Their music combines the best aspects found in the technical death metal spectrum into a "dissonant, disgusting" (AKA KICK-ASS) sonic assault. They avoid common pitfalls such as feelingless guitarplaying, over-repetition, and self-indulgent wankery.

There's a quote from Decibel on their myspace page that says something to the tune of "potency of an area's weed is directly proportional to the quality of their metal." Translation, Vancouver has great bud. I MEAN, FUCKING LISTEN TO THIS BAND.


-L. U'cut



Ok first off, this is a review of Within the Ruins' new disc, "Invade."

If you know the band already and/or are a fan, the above headline is all you need to see. It's better, and it has solos.

SO, for the rest of y'all: WtR is a prog/tech/melo/death(-core) band on Victory Records. Their first album, "Creature" was a fun romp through colorful two-step passages and blazing yet off-kilter mini-shreds. Yes. You read that right. It was one hell of a unique beast.

Anywayz, their newest wankfest, "Invade," comes with a new guitarist and new vocalist, but there's a whole lot more to it. This band has a pretty straightforward MO: show off their guitar playing chops. They do this by putting on clinics on myriad techniques, and composing intriguing passages and song structures that will snap your neck if you lose focus for just a second.

They improve upon their previous formula of riff A --> riff B --> breakdown --> riff C --> ... end. Their new songs have much less of a strict formula. THERE ARE INDEED SOLOS. The first album was lacking this often taken-for-granted feature. With such shred, you'd think they'd be eager to launch into a solo as often as possible. On Invade, Joe Cocchi and Jay Van Schelt pepper their riffs and solos with essentially every technique in the book, while emphasizing those that keep their sound so unique: drop-G# tuning (OUCH!), plentiful dive-bombs, whammy squeals, staccato flurries, polyrhythmic breakdowns, and a strong balance of emphasis and rest. Overall very fun, very entertaining, and unlike any other.

So yes, there are solos. There are 2 (legit) instrumental tracks (the intro track doesn't really count as anything) that provide colorful progressive journeys. "Ataxia" is the pinnacle of what WtR can accomplish; I say this not in a limit or peak way, but in a triumphant way. The solos are quite enjoyable, for they use an even more over-produced sound, which equates them to delicious garnishes to the entree songs.

If you thought the vocals were dumb until previous vocalist Joe Grande, just wait until you hear the work of Tim Goergen. "If god is real then he's an evil motherf*cker." Solid stuff, really. Quite excellent. His work is my biggest concern, by far, on this album. He does indeed break from his heavy, raspy monotone, but many of the more intelligible parts are quite blunt and don't match the intricacy of the instrumental work. "Faith is a crutch/You fear what you don't understand." Really?

I played this album about 8 times in first 24 hours I owned it, and I will keep playing it in the foreseeable future. It's fast, it's fun, it's like nothing you've ever heard, and it shreds.

Highly recommended.

-L. U'cut


EDITORIAL: Bands that Only Have One Speed-- Fast

Brain Drill

The epitome of weedily-weedily tech-death. But holyshit if it isn't fun as hell. Honestly their albums are so short because they have no filler. Their most recent, Quantum Catastrophe garnered poor reviews from butt-hurt elitists who were truthfully just disappointed because Rathjen and co. are so many lightyears ahead in talent that every one else who plays guitar, and they should just quit. The song "Bludgeoned to Death" has a 2 second silence before the song starts-- I think that's the closest thing to a respite that one will find on this album.



A bit less weedily, more tremolo and chug-y. Also the vox from Monsieur Desgagnes are pure rapid-fire barking. Quite intense, but quite enjoyable-- their latest, Dystopia even has some real groove to it. Standard lyrics about the evils of man, etc. are paired well with robotic (think evil robots, á la The Matrix) drumming and riffs that were most likely designed by a supercomputer fueled by blood. NOTE: The slow, one-note breakdown that takes up 40% of the song Never More does not count, for it is just stupid.


EDITORIAL: A European Death Triangle

Natch, every one knows Behemoth. Again, our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Nergal and any one suffering from his condition, which his celebrité has brought to light.

Anyways, hopefully some of you know Fleshgod Apocalypse-- an awesome technical death metal band from Italy. They have a subtle classical influence that sets them apart from the pack, which manifests itself in melodic interludes, intros and outros.

The third leg of this triangle is Hour of Penance. These guys are very straightforward in their technical death metal crush. They have one speed: 110%. Their latest, Paradogma is an enjoyable display of what they're all about.

So what is this triangle, you ask? It is this simple blogger's observation that these bands are inextricably linked in style and composition.

Behemoth is indeed a bit slower and more atmospheric, but Nergal's vocal style is clearly a huge influence on these two others.

Behemoth is clearly the top end of the triangle-- the other two bands are the legs that are the off-shoots. FA and HoP both take the Behemoth tremolo and chug sound, and speed it up about 10x.

Overall it's very cool stuff. Be sure to lend an ear.



NEW STUFF: Welcome to the Family, Indeed

Upon A Burning Body (TX)
"The World is Ours" aka "Al Pacino the Album"
Sumerian Records

The intro track "Showtime" features audio samples about some secret D.C. organization known as "The Family." The only vocals in this short track are lead singer Danny Leal yelling "Welcome to the fam-i-lay!"

A worthy introduction, indeed. UABB bring a completely unique sound to Sumerian Records. Those who may have grown tired of this label's Meshuggah wannabees: After the Burial, Born of Osiris, Periphery, etc. will certainly find UABB refreshing.
