GENRE BENDERS: The Amenta's n0n

So I recently discovered The Amenta; don't ask how or why-- that's not important.

I was wary to approach, reading of their "black" and "industrial" influences-- two genres that have historically not been my cup of tea... But it is the crafty melting-pot style of The Amenta that really wins over listeners.

Combining elements of death (primarily) with black, industrial, and ambient metal, this Australian 5-piece has firmly established themselves as a unique force to be reckoned with for a wide swath of metal fans.

Their newest work, n0n, combines the best elements of these genres to create a very dark, moodly, vicious and slamming album filled with texture and plenty of violence. Songs feature death-esque tremolo riffs, black metal wall-of-sound blasts, and industrial start-stop jarring loops, interspersed with moments of keen eerie ambience that resoundingly seal the deal. Standouts like "Whore" and "Dirt" are incredibly efficient at making the most of the above listed metal repertoire.

The vocals are excellently paired to the music, offering plenty of energy, and feature a few hooky scream-along moments in each song. Admittedly, and probably obviously, the vocals are not the focal point of the band's sound, but they certainly do their job to keep the bar high, as set by the instrumentation.

Overall this is an excellent album that sounds like it would be incredible to hear live (note to self...). If you are a fan of any of the genres that The Amenta blend into their gritty, grimy soup, filled with chunks of evil and severed flesh, you should give this album a listen. Incredibly high-force, n0n is an air-tight addition to almost any metal fan's collection.



Gorod- Process of a New Decline

Wow-- this is technical, progressive death metal at its finest.

Combining the beauty and intricacy of Obscura with the frenzy and heavy crush of The Faceless (two of my personal faves), this album is a stunning accomplishment that shines track-for-track, and as a whole work of art.

Album standouts like "Disavow Your God," "Programmers of Decline," and "Splinters of Life" are incredibly entertaining on all levels. As a new guitar player, I was enthused beyond belief and the axework of Mat and Arnaud, yet simultaneously so discouraged that I'd never be able to play any of their compositions. Segments range from snaking double-helix leads, blindingly bright tap solos, to heavy riffs that are as smooth as Mercury. The drums are also mind-bogglingly complex, taking advantage of more percussion instruments than you can possibly name, while laying down distractingly-groovy rhythm lines, as well as fills and solos that will make you do a quad-take (no, not a double-take, nor even a triple-take, yes, indeed, a quad-take) when you first hear them.

The musicianship on this album is noticeable from the first instant, and the listener immediately gets the impression that this French 5-set knows how to play their instruments and write songs that both show off their chops, and catch the listener's attention-- thus avoiding a common pitfall among bands in this genre.

The only drawback is that amongst all this calculating chaos, one may lose oneself and feel the songs blend together at times. Alas, this is nigh-unavoidable across a tech-death album spanning more than 10 songs, but it is present here nonetheless.

DISCLAIMER: If you're going to listen to this album-- give it your full attention. You owe it to the band, and yourself.

Now Digging

Wretched-- The Exodus of Autonomy

Burning the Masses-- Mind Control




saying first is lame

replying is lame





ur gay


i've seen this somewhere else...


i think we should discuss the blog

i think we should discuss you suckin my dick

it is sexy time i create romance explosion...

o i c wut u did thur


what does pwned mean?

what does ur a retard mean?
